Skill Books

Last Updated: Jul-12-2014

Reading a skill book permanently raises the corresponding skill by one point (two with the Comprehension perk). For precise locations visit the Fallout 3 skill books page on Wikia (

Printable Checklist

Fallout-3-Skill-Books.pdf (10323 downloads)

Skill Book Location Table

NameSkillClosest map markerProcurement
Big Book of ScienceScienceArlington Cemetery NorthFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceArlington LibraryFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceBethesda RuinsFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceBroadcast Tower KB5Found
Big Book of ScienceScienceBroadcast Tower LP8Found
Big Book of ScienceScienceChryslus BuildingFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceCorvega FactoryFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceCorvega FactoryFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceFort BannisterFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceFort ConstantineStolen
Big Book of ScienceScienceGNR building plazaFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceGreener Pastures Disposal SiteFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceHallowed Moors CemeteryFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceJury Street Metro StationFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceL'Enfant PlazaFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceMarigold stationFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceMegatonFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceNuka-Cola plantFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceRivet CityStolen
Big Book of ScienceScienceRobCo facilityFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceSewer waystationFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceShalebridgeFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceTenpenny TowerFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceVault-Tec headquartersFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceWarrington stationFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakBethesda ruinsFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakBroadcast tower KT8Found
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakCliffside cavernFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakCorvega FactoryFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakFairfax RuinsFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakFlooded MetroFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakFort ConstantineFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakGeorgetown/The Mall MetroFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakIrradiated MetroFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakL.O.B. EnterprisesFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakMall SouthwestFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakMama Dolce'sFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakMegatonFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakMuseum of HistoryFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakMuseum stationFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakNuka-Cola plantFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakPenn. Ave NorthwestStolen/Found
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakReclining Groves Resort HomesStolen
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakRed Racer factoryStolen
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakRegulator HQFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakSatCom Array NW-05aFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakSpringvale schoolFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakStatesman HotelFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakTaft TunnelsFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakThe Capitol buildingFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineAbandoned Car FortFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineAnchorage MemorialFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineBig TownFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineFalls Church/Mason Dst MetroFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineFort ConstantineFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineGeorgetown WestFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineGermantown Police HQFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineGreener Pastures Disposal SiteFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineHallowed Moors CemeteryFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineJalbert Brothers Waste DisposalFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineMason Dixon SalvageFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineMDPL-21 power stationFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineMinefieldFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineMuseum of HistoryFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineOasisFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineOur Lady of Hope HospitalFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineOur Lady of Hope HospitalFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineRed Racer factoryFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineRelay tower KX-B8-11Found
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineRivet CityStolen
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineRobCo facilityFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineRoosevelt AcademyFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineThe Capitol buildingFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineVault 92Found
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineVernon Square EastFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairAnchorage MemorialFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairAndaleFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairBethesda ruinsFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairCanterbury CommonsFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairCorvega FactoryFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairDunwich BuildingFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairHubris ComicsFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairHubris ComicsFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairJury Street Metro StationFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairMama Dolce'sFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairMDPL-05 power stationFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairMetro CentralFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairNuka-Cola plantFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairOur Lady of Hope HospitalFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairRanger compoundFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairRed Racer factoryFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairRelay tower KX-B8-11Found
Dean's ElectronicsRepairRivet CityStolen
Dean's ElectronicsRepairRockbreaker's Last GasFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairTepid sewersFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairVAPL-58 power stationFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairVAPL-66 power stationFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairVault 92Found
Dean's ElectronicsRepairVernon Square EastFound
Dean's ElectronicsRepairWarrington stationStolen
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesAlexandria ArmsFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesCharnel HouseFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesCitadelFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesDeathclaw SanctuaryFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesDukov's PlaceFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesEvergreen MillsFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesF. Scott Key Trail & CampgroundFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesFalls Church/Mason Dst MetroFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesFort ConstantineFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesGermantown Police HQFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesHamilton's HideawayFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesJocko's Pop & Gas StopFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesMonorail train wreckageFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesMuseum of TechnologyFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesNational ArchivesFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesNational ArchivesFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesNational Guard depotFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesOld OlneyFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesRed Racer factoryStolen
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesSatCom Array NW-07cFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesSpringvale schoolFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesSuper-Duper MartFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesTenpenny TowerFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesVault 92Found
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesWasteland gypsy villageFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsAndaleStolen
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsBethesda ruinsFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsBroadcast tower KB5Found
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsCanterbury CommonsPickpocket
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsChaste Acres Dairy FarmFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsCliffside CavernFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsClifftop ShacksFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsCorvega FactoryFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsFort ConstantineFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsGeorgetown WestFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsHubris ComicsFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsMegatonStolen
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsMinefieldFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsMuseum stationFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsRed Racer factoryStolen
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsRed Racer factoryFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsScrapyardFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsStatesman HotelFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsTemple of the UnionFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsTenleytown/Friendship stationFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsThe Silver Lining Drive-InFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsVault 101Found
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsVault-Tec headquartersFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsVernon Square NorthFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsYao guai tunnelsFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsAlexandria ArmsFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsArlington LibraryFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsArlington LibraryFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsChaste Acres Dairy FarmFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsChryslus BuildingFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsCitadelFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsDickerson Tabernacle ChapelFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsEverglow National CampgroundFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsFalls Church/Mason Dst MetroFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsFlooded MetroFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsFort BannisterFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsFort ConstantineFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsFort ConstantineFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsGrayditchFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsHamilton's HideawayKey to stash obtained if you already know James' location before talking to Three Dog.
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsHubris ComicsFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsMama Dolce'sFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsMama Dolce'sFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsMDPL mass relay stationFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsMuseum of TechnologyFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsRed Racer factoryFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsRegulator HQ*Found
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsRelay tower KX-B8-11Found
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsRockbreaker's Last GasFound
Guns and BulletsSmall GunsScrapyardFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechArlington LibraryFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechCorvega FactoryFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechDupont Circle StationFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechGeorgetown NorthFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechGermantown Police HQFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechJury Street Metro StationFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechJury Street Metro StationFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechMegatonFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechMegaton*Found
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechMeresti trainyardFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechNational ArchivesFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechNuka-Cola plantFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechRivet CityFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechRobCo facilityFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechRobot repair centerFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechScrapyard office*Found
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechTakoma IndustrialFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechTenleytown/Friendship stationFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechTenpenny TowerFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechTenpenny Tower*Found
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechThe Capitol buildingFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechThe Capitol buildingFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeech

This article uses material from the “Fallout 3 skill books” article on the Fallout wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.


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