Last Updated: Oct-02-2018 (DLC magazine locations added, and a second PDF checklist added, sorted by location rather than magazine name)
In Fallout 4, skill books are replaced with skill magazines. Each has a different issue title and cover. Some magazines, have the same effect each time you pick one up. For example, each issue of Tumblers Today you collect makes lockpicking a little easier. Other magazines have a different effect depending on the issue, such as Astoundingly Awesome Tales.
Note: Under general stats the game will recognize 121 magazines found. This is due to the existence of two copies of Grognak the Barbarian, Issue #05: Demon Slaves, Demon Sands. Far Harbor and Nuka-World DLCs add five more magazines each.
Printable Checklists
Fallout-4-Skill-Magazines.pdf (33736 downloads)
Fallout-4-Skill-Magazines-Sorted-By-Nearest-Map-Marker.pdf (3990 downloads)
Far Harbor DLC Magazine Location Table
Nearest Map Marker | Issue | Location Description | Effect |
Acadia | Children of Atom Expos | On Dejen's counter next to the group of candles. | Receive 10% less damage from radiation-based attacks. |
Brooke's Head Lighthouse | Precision Hunting | Top of the lighthouse, on a small broken bookcase next to the cooking stove. | 5% higher VATS chance against animals the player is in combat with. |
National Park Visitor's Center | Recipe Roundup | On the counter under a burnt trade magazine in the room to the right of the front entrance, i.e. the gift shop. | Unlocks sludge-based recipes at chemistry stations. ? |
Northwood Ridge Quarry | Pincer Dodge | Inside the quarry's interior area, on a bedside table at the top of the indoor shack. | Take 5% less damage from Mirelurk melee attacks. |
The Last Plank | Far Harbor Sightseer's Guide | On the table where Old Longfellow is sitting when first met. | Marks multiple locations on the map. ? |
Nuka-World DLC Magazine Location Table
Nearest Map Marker | Issue | Location Description | Effect |
Dry Rock Gulch | #5, That No-Caps Rage | Dry Rock Gulch employee area, on a roof. Access it from the theater (inside, hop over the eastern wall) or once you have restored the power access it through a door in the wall. | +1 Strength & +1 Endurance if you have <= 10,000 caps. +2 Strength & +2 Endurance if you have <= 1,000 caps. +3 Strength & +3 Endurance if you have <= 100 caps. |
Galactic Zone | #1, The Terrible Truce | Behind Starport Nuka, on a brown crate near a campfire and sleeping mats, right next to an explosives box. | Increases speech challenge success chance by 10% |
Grandchester Mystery Mansion | #4, Nuka Brahmin Stampede! | Behind the master lock leading to the attic, it is on a box to the right. | +5% explosives damage. |
Kiddie Kingdom | #3, Mutant Fists of Stephie Knuckles | Fun House. From the room with the rotating bottles, head into the Hypno Halls and use the tunnel on the right. Once through that tunnel, turn left and take the tunnel straight ahead. It is on the floor next to a raiders body. | +10% hand to hand weapon damage. |
Nuka-World junkyard | #2, Fear the Knife King | In a barn on the outskirts of the junkyard. On the top floor of the barn, sitting on a desk, next to a safe and an attacking animatronic alien. | +25% Combat Knife and Switchblade damage. |
Core Game Skill Magazine Location Table
Magazine | Location | Issue | Issue Title | Location Description | Effect |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | Boston Mayoral Shelter | #01 | My Brain and I... (A Twisted Love Tale) | Lower level bedroom, southwest corner, on a small table. | Regenerate 1 Health per minute |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | Coast Guard Pier | #02 | The Starlet Sniper | On the toilet inside the locked cell by the secured storage room. | +5% Scoped Damage |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | Dunwich Borers | #03 | Attack of the Metal Men | At the bottom of the pit below terminal #3, on a table near the steamer trunk. | -5% Damage from Robots |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | Hubris Comics | #04 | Invasion of the Zetans | Top floor, in the “star” restroom on a table, near the steamer trunk. | +5% Alien Blaster Damage |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | Pickman Gallery | #05 | The Mad Russian's Revenge | In the final room where the raiders confront Pickman, on the ground in front of the steamer trunk. | +5% Poison Resistance |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | Skylanes Flight 1981 | #06 | Attack Of The Fishmen | On the restroom toilet below the cockpit. | +5% damage against mirelurks |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | Outpost Zimonja | #07 | Deep sea Terror! 'Sinister Seafood Strikes!!' | On the workshop. | +5% Damage at Night |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | Vault 114 | #08 | The Man Who Could Stop Time | In the living quarters area, on a container in the blocked corridor, under the “Laundry” sign. | +5 Action Points |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | Old North Church | #09 | When Apes Go Bananas!!! 'A Gorilla Ate My Patrol Car!' | Inside Railroad HQ, on a metal desk in the brick crypt area, west area of the room. | +5% Cryolator Damage |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | Sentinel Site | #10 | Giant Insects Invade | In the first control room, lower half of room to right of the bottom of stairs, on the teal control panels. | +5% Radiation Resistance |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | East Boston Preparatory School | #11 | Rise of the Radiated | On a desk in the computer room, top floor, southeast corner. | +5% Radiation healing for RadAway |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | The Institute | #12 | Have Dog, Will Travel! | On the triangular table of the outside balcony, accessed via Holdren’s quarters. North of atrium. | Your canine companion permanently takes 10 percent less damage. |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | Crater of Atom | #13 | Curse of the Burned! | Top floor of the central metal shack built into the Western rocks. | +5% Damage against Ghouls |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | Trinity Plaza | #14 | Rise of the Mutants! | On the lectern, by the steamer trunk at the east side of the church interior. | +5% Damage against Super Mutants |
Grognak the Barbarian | Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup | #01 | Blood on the Harp | East end of the main warehouse in the small office, on the desk with the key. | Critical Hits with unarmed and melee attacks do +5% damage. |
Grognak the Barbarian | Bus And Apartment Wreckage | #02 | Cometh the Trickster | On the bed of the comic book fan’s apartment, with the bus crashed into it, close to Andrew Street Station. | Critical Hits with unarmed and melee attacks do +5% damage. |
Grognak the Barbarian | Sanctuary Hills | #03 | Jungle of the Bat-Babies | On the kitchen table of the House of Tomorrow, where Codsworth resides. | Critical Hits with unarmed and melee attacks do +5% damage. |
Grognak the Barbarian | Corvega Assembly Plant | #04 | In the Bosom of the Corsair Queen | Assembly level (top floor), in the Raider metal hut accessed via catwalk bridge, near Steamer Trunk. | Critical Hits with unarmed and melee attacks do +5% damage. |
Grognak the Barbarian | Vault 75 | #05 | Demon Slaves, Demon Sands | On the bed, inside the Overseer’s office, top floor. | Critical Hits with unarmed and melee attacks do +5% damage. |
Grognak the Barbarian | Vault 81 | #05 | Demon Slaves, Demon Sands | Given as a reward by Katy the teacher for completing Miscellaneous Quest: Short Stories in the Classroom. | Critical Hits with unarmed and melee attacks do +5% damage. |
Grognak the Barbarian | Boston Common | #06 | Enter Maula: War Maiden of Mars | In the bandstand, near the skeleton, close to Park Street Station entrance. | Critical Hits with unarmed and melee attacks do +5% damage. |
Grognak the Barbarian | Mass Pike Interchange | #07 | Fatherless Cur! | On the toilet inside the Gunner camp, by the Power Armor Station. | Critical Hits with unarmed and melee attacks do +5% damage. |
Grognak the Barbarian | Back Street Apparel | #08 | Lost in the Snows of Lust | On a living room table in the ruined upstairs apartment, near the TV and safe. | Critical Hits with unarmed and melee attacks do +5% damage. |
Grognak the Barbarian | Hyde Park | #09 | In the Lair of the Virgin Eater | In the raider camp on the roof of the buildings south of the main drag. | Critical Hits with unarmed and melee attacks do +5% damage. |
Grognak the Barbarian | Museum of Witchcraft | #10 | What Sorcery This? | On the table in the “dungeon” room, upper floor, south wall. | Critical Hits with unarmed and melee attacks do +5% damage. |
Guns and Bullets | Rook Family House | #01 | Avoid those Pesky Gun Laws! | Inside Barney’s bunker, on a metal desk near the lantern and filing cabinet. | +5% ballistic weapons Critical Hit damage. |
Guns and Bullets | Cambridge Police Station | #02 | Bear Proofing Your Campsite:... | In a locked safe in the station chief’s office. Available only after Brotherhood reinforcements arrive at the station. | +5% ballistic weapons Critical Hit damage. |
Guns and Bullets | Ticonderoga | #03 | Guide to hunting commies! | On the desk of the corner office, northwest corner, top floor. | +5% ballistic weapons Critical Hit damage. |
Guns and Bullets | Fort Hagen | #04 | Lasers & Hunting: Acceptable Overkill | On the oval table in the kitchen area, top floor, southeast area. | +5% ballistic weapons Critical Hit damage. |
Guns and Bullets | Fraternal Post 115 | #05 | Little Guns For Little Ladies | On the lectern in the stage area, by the American flag and sandbags. | +5% ballistic weapons Critical Hit damage. |
Guns and Bullets | The Castle | #06 | Plasma - The Weapon of Tomorrow | On the radio operator’s desk, in the middle of the Castle grounds, outside. | +5% ballistic weapons Critical Hit damage. |
Guns and Bullets | Gunners Plaza | #07 | Street Guns of Detroit | Top floor lounge, in the table surrounded by sofas, south mezzanine offices. | +5% ballistic weapons Critical Hit damage. |
Guns and Bullets | South Boston Military Checkpoint | #08 | Take Aim, Army Style | Inside the checkpoint, on a metal desk, east wall. | +5% ballistic weapons Critical Hit damage. |
Guns and Bullets | Badtfl Regional Office | #09 | The Future of Hunting? | On a desk in the chief’s office, bullpen room in the western part of the building. | +5% ballistic weapons Critical Hit damage. |
Guns and Bullets | Quincy Ruins | #10 | The Moon: A Communist Doomsday Device? | On the desk with the terminal, elevated freeway Gunners camp, between the two big-rig trailers. | +5% ballistic weapons Critical Hit damage. |
Hot Rodder | Robotics Disposal Ground | #01 | Flame Job! | Inside the small concrete hut, on the desk with the terminal on it. | Unlocks Flame Job paint for Power Armor. |
Hot Rodder | Atom Cats Garage | #02 | Shark Paint Schemes! | On the bedside table in Zeke’s trailer. | Unlocks Shark paint for Power Armor. |
Hot Rodder | Milton Parking Garage | #03 | Hot Pink! | Inside the parking lot, to the west of the Hospital. Top floor sleeping quarters, near the prize cells. | Unlocks Hot Pink paint for Power Armor. |
La Coiffe | Fallon'S Department Store | #01 | Megaton Hair | In the upper floor octagonal room, by the Steamer Trunk, west side of the building near the roof exit. | Unlocks Megaton haircut. |
La Coiffe | Charlestown Laundry | #02 | The Hornet's Nest | In a shopping basket on top of one of the washing machines. | Unlocks The Hornet's Nest haircut. |
Live and Love | Faneuil Hall | #01 | Fabulous 1st Issue: Life Long Best Friends! | On the small table, attic level, just after climbing the main staircase. | Companions permanently gain +10 health. |
Live and Love | College Square Station | #02 | Nuke-The-Man | On the safe behind the counter, at the station entrance interior, before descending the stairs. | Companions permanently inflict +5% damage. |
Live and Love | Wrvr Broadcast Station | #03 | Trim the Fat | On the table near the recording desk and wall computer. | Companions permanently gain +10 carry weight. |
Live and Love | Fiddler'S Green Trailer Estates | #04 | The Secretary Charmer | Inside the caravan trailer, east side of the estates (and swimming pool). | Permanently gain +25% XP from persuading women. |
Live and Love | Revere Beach Station | #05 | Talk Yourself Sober | On the concrete blocks by the cooking pot and steamer trunk, inside the promenade building, upper floor. | Permanently gain +1 Luck from alcohol when traveling with a companion. |
Live and Love | Goodneighbor | #06 | Advice From Married Men | On top of the toilet, The Third Rail restroom, entrance area (north). | Companions permanently gain +5 Damage Resistance and Energy Resistance. |
Live and Love | Bunker Hill | #07 | Beware The Man Handler | At the top of the monument. | Permanently gain +25% XP from persuading men. |
Live and Love | Goodneighbor | #08 | An Experience to Remember | On the bar counter, just right of the entrance, in the lobby of Hotel Rexford. | Permanently gain +5% XP while adventuring with a companion. |
Live and Love | Diamond City Schoolhouse | #09 | I Married a Robot! | Inside the Schoolhouse bedroom, ground floor, on the bedside table. | Robot companions permanently inflict +5% damage. |
Massachusetts Surgical Journal | Cabot House | #01 | Better Living Through Chems | Top floor bedroom, west side, on the wooden desk. | +2% limb damage for all weapons. |
Massachusetts Surgical Journal | Greater Mass Blood Clinic | #02 | Cryo Technology: Haven or Tomb! | In the analyst’s room (accessed via the wall terminal), on the desk. | +2% limb damage for all weapons. |
Massachusetts Surgical Journal | Medford Memorial Hospital | #03 | ER Nurses Confess All | In the filing and storage room, west side balcony above the main lobby, one floor up from the ground. | +2% limb damage for all weapons. |
Massachusetts Surgical Journal | Boston Public Library | #04 | Finding Your Funny Bone | In the overdue book vending machine (northwest area). Purchase with 50 Tokens via the terminal. | +2% limb damage for all weapons. |
Massachusetts Surgical Journal | Sandy Coves Convalescent Home | #05 | Happy Sedation Special | Behind the security door, next to the wall of safes, near the reception | +2% limb damage for all weapons. |
Massachusetts Surgical Journal | Parsons State Insane Asylum | #06 | Let's Play Doctor! | Inside Lorenzo’s living quarters, at the very bottom floor of the facility. | +2% limb damage for all weapons. |
Massachusetts Surgical Journal | Greenetech Genetics | #07 | Pay Now, Get Better Later!! Insurance Scandal Sweeps Medical Industries | On the table between the two red sofas and dark carpet, in the long room mid-way up the north side of the building. | +2% limb damage for all weapons. |
Massachusetts Surgical Journal | Med-Tek Research | #08 | Raised by Robots | On the large central laboratory table, lowest floor of the sub-level, where the Prevent is located. | +2% limb damage for all weapons. |
Massachusetts Surgical Journal | Cambridge Polymer Labs | #09 | Scars Are Cool | On the desk inside the Director’s office, above the reception area. | +2% limb damage for all weapons. |
Picket Fences | Beantown Brewery | #01 | The House of Tomorrow Today! | In the foreman’s concrete wall office, upper walkways of the main vat room, near the steamer trunk. | Picket fences can be built at settlements. |
Picket Fences | Hardware Town | #02 | Modern Hearth | In the upstairs office on the desk with the key, center of the building, near the steamer trunk. | High tech lights can be built at settlements. |
Picket Fences | Saugus Ironworks | #03 | Essential Upgrades! | Blast Furnace area, on the catwalk just below the steamer trunk and Bobblehead. | Statues can be built at settlements. |
Picket Fences | Combat Zone | #04 | Modern Lawn Care! | On the formica table, ground level near the bar, in front of the main stage. | Potted plants can be built at settlements. |
Picket Fences | Weston Water Treatment Plant | #05 | Welcome Home | In the metal office overlooking the generator room, before descending to the main treatment chamber. | Patio furniture can be built at settlements. |
RobCo Fun | Museum of Freedom | #01 | Atomic Command | In the chamber above the front doors, where Preston is holed up, on Sturges’ desk. | Unlocks Atomic Command Pip-Boy game. |
RobCo Fun | Goodneighbor | #02 | Grognak The Barbarian | In the Memory Den (Must be in Act II) of MQ. | Unlocks Grognak the Barbarian Pip-Boy game. |
RobCo Fun | Fort Hagen | #03 | Pip Fall | Command Center - adjacent to Kellogg’s Terminal under a table, in the chamber where you speak with Kellogg. | Unlocks Pip Fall Pip-Boy game. |
RobCo Fun | Vault 111 | #04 | Red Menace | Inside the cafeteria terminal, northeast area. Only the holotape is available, not the magazine. | Unlocks Red Menace Pip-Boy game. |
RobCo Fun | Valentine Detective Agency | #05 | Zeta Invaders | On a desk, inside the Valentine’s Detective Agency located in Diamond City Market. | Unlocks Zeta Invaders Pip-Boy game. |
Taboo Tattoos | Mass Pike Tunnel East Or West | #01 | 13 (Issue 1) | In a locked room to the South, next to Det. Perry's holotape | Unlocks Clover tattoo. |
Taboo Tattoos | Thicket Excavations | #02 | Anchor(Issue 2) | In the metal trailer caravan on the south edge of the excavation area, close to two other trailers. | Unlocks Anchor tattoo. |
Taboo Tattoos | Concord Civic Access | #03 | Eagle's Nest (Issue 10) | In the scavenger’s sleeping area, close to the steamer trunk, western area near exit stairs. | Unlocks Eagle tattoo. |
Taboo Tattoos | Irish Pride Industries Shipyard | #04 | Skulls Are Hip!! (Issue 12) | On the metal picnic table, inside the docked ship, in the shipyard interior. | Unlocks Radioactive Skull tattoo. |
Taboo Tattoos | Vault 81 | #05 | Sailor (Issue 16) | On the lowest level of the atrium, in the barber's shop. | Unlocks upside-down horseshoe tattoo. |
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor | Longneck Lukowski'S Cannery | #01 | Benefits of Child Labor | Inside the metal catwalk hut, northwest upper area of the main cannery room, with the Bobblehead. | Better prices at vendors. |
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor | Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant | #02 | Capitalism and You | Basement locker room, on the bench, western side of the plant. | Better prices at vendors. |
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor | Big John'S Salvage | #03 | How to Run a Successful Vendor Stand | On the small table with the lantern, inside the caravan perched atop the containers, adjacent to the steamer trunk. | Better prices at vendors. |
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor | Wreck of the FMS Northern Star | #04 | Suit Up and Succeed | Upper level, mid-deck, on the parasol table, north side of the ship. | Better prices at vendors. |
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor | Mystic Pines | #05 | Take Your Business on the Road | On the sideboard table by the TV, west wall, inside the building, just north of the main entrance. | Better prices at vendors. |
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor | Super Duper Mart | #06 | The Art of Haggling | On the magazine stand, northwest wall, just right of the Milton General Hospital poster. | Better prices at vendors. |
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor | Gwinnett Brewery | #07 | The Joy of Wealth | Catwalk metal hut, upper level, along the northwest wall. Climb the pipes and catwalks to reach it. | Better prices at vendors. |
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor | Walden Pond | #08 | Why I Sold My Mother | On the barrel with the lantern on it, inside the pipe tunnel interior cave. | Better prices at vendors. |
Tesla Science Magazine | Poseidon Energy | #01 | 10 Number 1 Hits!!! | On the metal desk with the Bobblehead near the steamer trunk, in the central metal catwalk hut. | Energy Weapons inflict +5% critical damage. |
Tesla Science Magazine | Reeb Marina | #02 | Future of Warfare? | On the wooden bench in the kitchen of the warehouse, near the birthday sweetroll. | Energy Weapons inflict +5% critical damage. |
Tesla Science Magazine | University Point | #03 | Geckos and Gamma Radiation | Top floor of Sedgwick Hall, in the northern computer room, northeast corner on a small table. Access via the open curtains. | Energy Weapons inflict +5% critical damage. |
Tesla Science Magazine | Mass Fusion Building | #04 | Giant Super Weapons | On the computer bank, southeast mezzanine room, upper offices above the glass floor. | Energy Weapons inflict +5% critical damage. |
Tesla Science Magazine | Rocky Cave | #05 | Rocket Science for Toddlers | In Virgil’s Laboratory on a broken fridge, just left of Virgil’s terminal. | Energy Weapons inflict +5% critical damage. |
Tesla Science Magazine | Mahkra Fishpacking | #06 | Tomorrow's technology for today's Super Soldiers | Lowest floor filleting room, on a small table, north west corner. Room below the one with the Steamer Trunk. | Energy Weapons inflict +5% critical damage. |
Tesla Science Magazine | Hallucigen, Inc. | #07 | U.S. Army Goes to Space | First floor, in the Weaponization Research lab, in the northeast corner. | Energy Weapons inflict +5% critical damage. |
Tesla Science Magazine | General Atomics Factory | #08 | What is Plasma, Anyway? | In the upper floor office, on a metal desk against the east wall, directly above the entrance lobby. | Energy Weapons inflict +5% critical damage. |
Tesla Science Magazine | Arcjet Systems | #09 | Will Robots Rule the World? | In the CEO’s office on the second floor, next to his terminal. | Energy Weapons inflict +5% critical damage. |
Total Hack | Wattz Consumer Electronics | #01 | Control Robots | Basement server room, on the terminal desk, north wall. | Unlocks ability to control robots using a terminal. |
Total Hack | The Shamrock Taphouse | #02 | Control Spotlights | Held by the female mannequin standing on the table in the “game” room with the checkers board. | Unlocks ability to control spotlights using a terminal. |
Total Hack | Wildwood Cemetery | #03 | Control Turrets | Under the tree in the center of the cemetery. | Unlocks ability to control turrets using a terminal. |
Tumblers Today | Easy City Downs | #01 | Bobby Pins – More Effective Than Lockpicks? | On the side chest by the black sofa, in the commentator’s area, southwest side of the racetrack | Wider 'sweet spot' when lockpicking. |
Tumblers Today | Fens Street Sewer | #02 | Confessions of a Housebreaker | Next to the holotape on the metal drawers, inside the “cell” area of the sewers, northwest catwalks and tunnels. | Wider 'sweet spot' when lockpicking. |
Tumblers Today | West Roxbury Station | #03 | Open Any Lock in 5 Seconds Flat | In the open locker, eastern platform maintenance room, next wall button. | Wider 'sweet spot' when lockpicking. |
Tumblers Today | Malden Center | #04 | Locksmith Certification Special – Pass With Flying Colors | Inside one of the cargo carriages at the station, in the Raider camp at the deepest part of this location. | Wider 'sweet spot' when lockpicking. |
Tumblers Today | Poseiden Energy Turbine 18-F | #05 | Mysteries of the Master Key Exposed! | In the metal control room, northwest corner of the facility, by the steamer trunk, on a metal shelf. | Wider 'sweet spot' when lockpicking. |
U.S. Covert Operations Manual | Lexington: The Switchboard | #01 | Whistling in the Dark | On the desk by the terminal in the executive office above the open office and double stairwell area. | Makes you more difficult to detect while sneaking. |
U.S. Covert Operations Manual | Uss Constitution | #02 | Urban Camouflage | Ship interior, on a corner table inside the Captain's cabin. | Makes you more difficult to detect while sneaking. |
U.S. Covert Operations Manual | Federal Ration Stockpile | #03 | Facepaint Fundamentals | On the main table in front of the sofa, in Red Tourette’s base, southeast tunnels near exit. | Makes you more difficult to detect while sneaking. |
U.S. Covert Operations Manual | Abandoned Shack/Federal Surveillance Center K-21B | #04 | Not the Soldiers You're Looking For | In Federal surveillance center K-21B, deepest area, on the light blue metal computer bank, near the steamer trunk and terminal. | Makes you more difficult to detect while sneaking. |
U.S. Covert Operations Manual | Fort Strong | #05 | Who Goes There? | On the desk of General Brock, southwest corner of the ground floor. | Makes you more difficult to detect while sneaking. |
U.S. Covert Operations Manual | Fort Hagen | #06 | Squeaky Floorboard, Sudden Death | Command Center, on the side table of the bedroom and kitchenette room, just east of the armory. | Makes you more difficult to detect while sneaking. |
U.S. Covert Operations Manual | National Guard Training Yard | #07 | Getting the Drop on Communists | On a table in the cafeteria of the barracks, near a cooler. | Makes you more difficult to detect while sneaking. |
U.S. Covert Operations Manual | Libertalia | #08 | Bushes, Boxes and Beehives Camouflage Special | By the red chair on the main shanty ship, halfway up, same level as the white metal window wall. | Makes you more difficult to detect while sneaking. |
U.S. Covert Operations Manual | Revere Satellite Array | #09 | Look Better in Black | In the shanty hut atop the central satellite support (without the dish). | Makes you more difficult to detect while sneaking. |
U.S. Covert Operations Manual | Usaf Satellite Station Olivia | #10 | Tiptoe Through the Tulips | Inside the computer room unlocked by terminal (southeast interior), on the desk with the mini nuke. | Makes you more difficult to detect while sneaking. |
Unstoppables | Westing Estate | #01 | Commie-Kazi VS. Manta man | On the shack closest to the river, with the lantern on the wooden floor near the mattress. | +1% chance of taking no damage from an attack. |
Unstoppables | Shaw High School | #02 | Dr. Brainwash and His Army of De-Capitalists! | Library office on the lower level, with the Steamer Trunk. North area. | +1% chance of taking no damage from an attack. |
Unstoppables | Suffolk County Charter School | #03 | Trapped In The Dimension Of The Pterror-Dactyls! | In the library room, upper floor, by the holotape and steamer trunk. | +1% chance of taking no damage from an attack. |
Unstoppables | Hubris Comics | #04 | Visit the Ux-Ron Galaxy!! | On the shop counter, in front of the cheeky monkey and Grognak’s Axe in the display case. | +1% chance of taking no damage from an attack. |
Unstoppables | Don Bosco Technical High School | #05 | Who Can Stop The Unstoppable Grog-Na-Rok?! | Basement level swimming pool, northwest corner wall, on a table above a Fat Man and near the steamer trunk. | +1% chance of taking no damage from an attack. |
Wasteland Survival Guide | Wreck of The USS Riptide | #01 | Farming The Wastes | Inside the ship, on a table, under the bridge on the water’s level. | Heal +50% more from fruits and vegetables. |
Wasteland Survival Guide | Crater House | #02 | Insect Repellent Special | Western side of the crater, on the table, lower level of a stilt shack with a lantern and caps stash on a table. | Permanently take 5% less damage from insects. |
Wasteland Survival Guide | Egret Tours Marina | #03 | The Bright Side of Radiation Poisoning | On the counter of the diner and coolant recharge station. | Permanently heal +50% from irradiated packaged food and drink. |
Wasteland Survival Guide | Lynn Woods | #04 | The Scrapyard Home Decoration Guide | On the sleeping bag, inside the main shack with the steamer trunk. | Permanently unlock new decoration items in workshop settlements. |
Wasteland Survival Guide | Gorski Cabin | #05 | Guide To Diamond City | In the underground bunker, by the journal terminal, on a metal desk. | Diamond City is now permanently marked on your map. |
Wasteland Survival Guide | Nahant Oceanological Society | #06 | Commonwealth Coupon Spectacular | On the metal desk with the typewriter, entrance room area, ground floor. | Permanently gain +10% discount from food and drink vendors. |
Wasteland Survival Guide | Old Gullet Sinkhole | #07 | Water Aerobics for Ghouls | On a concrete block inside the sinkhole, by the cooking pot station. | Permanently swim 25% faster. |
Wasteland Survival Guide | Ranger Cabin | #08 | Self-Defense Secrets | On the sideboard table in the cabin. | Permanently take 5% less damage from melee attacks. |
Wasteland Survival Guide | Sunshine Tidings Co-Op | #09 | Hunting in the Wastes | In the locked cabin near the silos, on the floor near a mattress and steamer trunk. | Permanently collect more meat from animal kills. |
You're SPECIAL! | Sanctuary Hills | You're SPECIAL! | In The House of Tomorrow, under Shaun’s crib. | Add one S.P.E.C.I.A.L. point. |
This document uses material from the “Fallout 4 magazines” article on the Fallout wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.
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Very nice. Thanks, just what i was hoping for.
I LOVE YOUR GUYS SITE….. But can you possibly update checklists to include FO4 dlc magazines?
Thanks very much! And yes! The PDF checklist has been updated, as well as the tables on this page. Enjoy.
Could the pdf file include the issue titles?