Atronach Forge Recipes

Last Updated: Nov-13-2017

The Atronach Forge is in The Midden at the College of Winterhold which can be reached via a trapdoor in the northern corner of the courtyard or a trapdoor at the base of the stairs in the Hall of Countenance.

Many recipes require a Sigil Stone. Having a Conjuration skill of 90 allows the Conjuration Ritual Spell quest from Phinis Gestor to be started, which results in you obtaining a Sigil Stone.

To work the forge, place the ingredients in the offering box, place the Sigil Stone on the pedestal if needed and then pull the lever. Saving is recommended before pulling the lever so you can load if you don’t like the result.

Printable List

The-Elder-Scrolls-V-Skyrim-Atronach-Forge-Recipes.pdf (13037 downloads)

List of Recipes

TypeResultSigil StoneIngredients
ArmorDaedric ArmorEbony Armor | Daedra Heart | Centurion Dynamo Core | Black Soul Gem
Daedric Armor with random enchantmentVoid Salts | Daedra Heart | Ebony Ingot | Filled Greater, Grand or Black Soul Gem
Daedric BootsEbony Boots | Daedra Heart | Centurion Dynamo Core | Black Soul Gem
Daedric GauntletsEbony Gauntlets | Daedra Heart | Centurion Dynamo Core | Black Soul Gem
Daedric HelmetEbony Helmet | Daedra Heart | Centurion Dynamo Core | Black Soul Gem
Daedric ShieldEbony Shield | Daedra Heart | Centurion Dynamo Core | Black Soul Gem
Dovahcore HelmetIron Helmet | Moonstone Ore or Refined Requires Space Core.
Fall of the Space Core, Vol 1 must be installed.
Hostile CreatureDremoraSkull | Daedra Heart | Raw Meat | Raw Meat
Meat can be: Dog Meat, Mammoth Snout, Horse Meat, Horker Meat or Leg of Goat
Flame AtronachFire Salts | Ruby (normal, flawless or ruby necklace/ring)
Frost AtronachFrost Salts | Sapphire (normal, flawless or sapphire necklace/ring)
Storm AtronachVoid Salts | Amethyst (normal, flawless or amethyst ring)
IngredientDaedra HeartHuman Heart | Black Soul Gem
Fire SaltsSalt Pile | Ruby (normal, flawless or ruby necklace/ring) | Any Soul Gem
Frost SaltsSalt Pile | Sapphire (normal, flawless or sapphire necklace/ring) | Any Soul Gem
Void SaltsSalt Pile | Amethyst (normal, flawless or amethyst ring) | Any Soul Gem
PotionConjurer's ElixirEmpty Wine Bottle | Ectoplasm | Any Soul Gem
ScrollConjure Flame AtronachFire Salts | Roll of Paper | Charcoal
Conjure Frost AtronachFrost Salts | Roll of Paper | Charcoal
Conjure Storm AtronachVoid Salts | Roll of Paper | Charcoal
StaffStaff of the Flame AtronachFire Salts | Broom | Corundum Ore or Ingot | Greater, Grand or Black Soul Gem
Staff of the Frost AtronachFrost Salts | Broom | Moonstone Ore or Refined | Greater, Grand or Black Soul Gem
Staff of the Storm AtronachVoid Salts | Broom | Orichalcum Ore or Ingot | Greater, Grand or Black Soul Gem
Spell TomeConjure Flame AtronachFire Salts | Ruined Book | Dragon's Tongue | Bear Pelt
Conjure Frost AtronachFrost Salts | Ruined Book | Frost Mirriam | Ice Wolf Pelt
Conjure Storm AtronachVoid Salts | Ruined Book | Deathbell | Mammoth Tusk
Soul TrapSalt Pile | Ruined Book | Torchbug Thorax | Any Soul Gem
WeaponDaedric BattleaxeEbony Battleaxe | Daedra Heart | Centurion Dynamo Core | Black Soul Gem
Daedric BowEbony Bow | Daedra Heart | Centurion Dynamo Core | Black Soul Gem
Daedric DaggerEbony Dagger | Daedra Heart | Centurion Dynamo Core | Black Soul Gem
Daedric GreatswordEbony Greatsword | Daedra Heart | Centurion Dynamo Core | Black Soul Gem
Daedric MaceEbony Mace | Daedra Heart | Centurion Dynamo Core | Black Soul Gem
Daedric SwordEbony Sword | Daedra Heart | Centurion Dynamo Core | Black Soul Gem
Daedric War AxeEbony War Axe | Daedra Heart | Centurion Dynamo Core | Black Soul Gem
Daedric WarhammerEbony Warhammer | Daedra Heart | Centurion Dynamo Core | Black Soul Gem
Daedric Weapon with random enchantmentSilver Sword or Silver Greatsword | Daedra Heart | Ebony Ingot | Filled Greater, Grand or Black Soul Gem
This document uses material from the “Skyrim:Atronach Forge” article and linked articles on The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages ( and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.


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