Skill Books
Last Updated: Apr-27-2013
- For each skill you can find five books that will instantly improve that skill by one level. Each title only works once, even if you find two copies of that book.
- No new skill books were added in the Dawnguard, Dragonborn or Hearthfire add-ons.
- The Dragonborn add-on includes an ability called Scholar’s Insight that grants two points for every skill book read.
Printable Checklist
Skyrim-Skill-Book-Checklist.pdf (15597 downloads)Table of Skill Books
Skill | Book Title in Inventory |
Alchemy | A Game at Dinner |
Alchemy | Du Rerum Dirennis |
Alchemy | Herbalist's Guide to Skyrim |
Alchemy | Mannimarco, King of Worms |
Alchemy | Song of the Alchemists |
Alteration | Breathing Water |
Alteration | Daughter of the Niben |
Alteration | Reality & Other Falsehoods |
Alteration | Sithis |
Alteration | The Lunar Lorkhan |
Archery | Father Of The Niben |
Archery | The Black Arrow, v2 |
Archery | The Gold Ribbon of Merit |
Archery | The Marksmanship Lesson |
Archery | Vernaccus and Bourlor |
Block | A Dance in Fire, v2 |
Block | Battle of Red Mountain |
Block | Death Blow of Abernanit |
Block | The Mirror |
Block | Warrior |
Conjuration | 2920, Frostfall, v10 |
Conjuration | 2920, Hearth Fire, v9 |
Conjuration | Liminal Bridges |
Conjuration | The Doors of Oblivion |
Conjuration | The Warrior's Charge |
Destruction | A Hypothetical Treachery |
Destruction | Mystery of Talara, v3 |
Destruction | Response to Bero's Speech |
Destruction | The Art of War Magic |
Destruction | The Horror of Castle Xyr |
Enchanting | A Tragedy in Black |
Enchanting | Catalogue of Armor Enchantments |
Enchanting | Catalogue of Weapon Enchantments |
Enchanting | Enchanter's Primer |
Enchanting | Twin Secrets |
Heavy Armor | 2920, Mid Year, v6 |
Heavy Armor | Chimarvamidium |
Heavy Armor | Hallgerd's Tale |
Heavy Armor | Orsinium and the Orcs |
Heavy Armor | The Knights of the Nine |
Illusion | 2920, Sun's Dawn, v2 |
Illusion | Before the Ages of Man |
Illusion | Incident in Necrom |
Illusion | Mystery of Talara, Part 4 |
Illusion | The Black Arts On Trial |
Light Armor | Ice and Chitin |
Light Armor | Jornibret's Last Dance |
Light Armor | Rislav The Righteous |
Light Armor | The Rear Guard |
Light Armor | The Refugees |
Lockpicking | Advances in Lock Picking |
Lockpicking | Proper Lock Design |
Lockpicking | Surfeit of Thieves |
Lockpicking | The Locked Room |
Lockpicking | The Wolf Queen, v1 |
One-Handed | 2920, Morning Star, v1 |
One-Handed | Fire and Darkness |
One-Handed | Mace Etiquette |
One-Handed | Night Falls on Sentinel |
One-Handed | The Importance of Where |
Pickpocket | Aevar Stone-Singer |
Pickpocket | Beggar |
Pickpocket | Purloined Shadows |
Pickpocket | Thief |
Pickpocket | Wulfmare's Guide To Better Thieving |
Restoration | 2920, Rain's Hand, v4 |
Restoration | Mystery of Talara, v 2 |
Restoration | Racial Phylogeny |
Restoration | The Exodus |
Restoration | Withershins |
Smithing | Cherim's Heart |
Smithing | Heavy Armor Forging |
Smithing | Light Armor Forging |
Smithing | The Armorer's Challenge |
Smithing | The Last Scabbard of Akrash |
Sneak | 2920, Last Seed, v8 |
Sneak | Legend of Krately House |
Sneak | Sacred Witness |
Sneak | The Red Kitchen Reader |
Sneak | Three Thieves |
Speech | 2920, Second Seed, v5 |
Speech | A Dance in Fire, v6 |
Speech | A Dance in Fire, v7 |
Speech | Biography of the Wolf Queen |
Speech | The Buying Game |
Two-Handed | Battle of Sancre Tor |
Two-Handed | King |
Two-Handed | Song Of Hrormir |
Two-Handed | The Legendary Sancre Tor |
Two-Handed | Words and Philosophy |
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both “Horror of Castle Xyr” and “Last Scabbard of Akrash” are incorrectly listed with “The” as their first word. Neither title starts with “The”.
This list is not help without the location, thanks tho